Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 10 EOC: Lawyer Jokes!

How do you tell if it's REALLY cold outside?

A lawyer has his hands in his own pockets.

 What do you throw to a drowning lawyer?

His partners.

What's the difference between a lawyer and an onion?
You cry when you cut up an onion.

How many personal injury attorneys does it take to change a light bulb?

•Three - one to turn the bulb, one to shake him off the ladder, and the third to sue the ladder company.


Q. What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?
A. There are skid marks in front of the skunk.


Q. What's the difference between a lawyer and a herd of buffalo?
A. The lawyer charges more

 Q: What do dinosaurs and decent lawyers have in common?
A: They're both extinct.

Q: Know how copper wire was invented?

A: Two lawyers were fighting over a penny.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 9 EOC: Wall Street Journal Opinion

From a legal stand point Obamas newest “guideline” is a tad bit confusing to me. Recently Obama came to a conclusion and has decided to exempt Colorado and Washington of the “federal law “. In more simple terms, “The administration also issued new guidelines for all U.S. attorneys on the dynamic issue of marijuana law, recommending that they only focus on prosecuting major cases”. This is targeted to the issue of marijuana in those states because these states have legalized the drug, though that still means it is not covered by federal law. I for one don’t believe the legalization is the worst thing that could happen but in a technical sense it is still not legalized! Yes, Colorado and also Washington have legalized it in there state but at the end of the day our president is the one who could truly... (to be cont.)

Prosecutorial resources aren't unlimited, and some crimes deserve more enforcement attention than others.

Because after the November referenda Democrats introduced legislation to exempt Colorado and Washington states from federal marijuana law. Under the Constitution Congress can't pass laws that apply in some states and not others.

Not since Nixon have we seen a Presidency so disdainful of the law, but at least Nixon had enough respect for legal appearances to break the law on the sly


Mr. Obama told Walters that while "the federal government has a lot to do when it comes to criminal prosecutions... it does not make sense from a prioritization point of view to for us to focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said under state law that's legal."